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  • Why do airplanes fly over my house?
    There are certain "patterns" that pilots must follow when flying, especially in areas with a high volume of traffic. The airplane flight patterns at Spirit must be coordinated with the airplanes from Lambert International Airport. Sometimes the airplanes you see flying in this area are taking off from or landing at Lambert.
  • How close can the airplanes fly to my house?
    Although regulations allow operators to fly lower, Spirit requests they stay at 1,700' MSL (feet above sea level) on approach. When pilots follow this recommendation, the aircraft is approximately 1000 feet above the ground (equal to a 70-story office building).
  • Is there any time during the year that activity is increased?
    You may notice an increase of activity in June, July and August, as this is Spirit's busiest time of year. Although there may not be an actual increase in activity, you may notice the airplanes more in the spring due to outside activities.
  • As a potential homeowner near Spirit Airport, is there a document I need to be aware of?"
    Yes. Chesterfield Ordinance requires that disclosure be contained in any contract for the sale, lease or rental of any residential dwelling unit for your signature and acknowledgment. The Airport Master Plan can also give you an overview of future plans for the airport. Chesterfield Ordinance Airport Master Plan
  • Does Spirit have commercial airlines such as American?
    No. Commercial airlines use aircraft too large for Spirit Airport to handle for ongoing operations. On a limited basis, large aircraft can land at Spirit, but only with special permission from the Airport Administration. The physical structure of Spirit Airport's runways cannot support sustained operations of large aircraft.
  • How do I report low flying or noisy aircraft?
    Procedure for filing a noise or low flying aircraft complaint: Since May 7, 2001, noise and low flying aircraft complaints are being handled by Airport Management Services, Inc. To record a complaint, please call 314-452-8167. To ensure that your complaint is recorded, leave your name, address (including subdivision name), phone number, and nature of the complaint.
  • Is Spirit Airlines located at Spirit of St. Louis Airport?
    No, Spirit Airlines is not assoicated with Spirit of St. Louis Airport. Spirit Airlines phone number is 801-401-2222.
  • Does Spirit Airport have a public aircraft viewing area?
    Yes, Richard E. Hrabko Aircraft Viewing Park is located in the parking lot of the TAC Air terminal. 18260 Edison Ave, Chesterfield, MO 63005.
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